- Government Affairs Update -


Be sure to return your ballot by 8pm on Tuesday, May 21.


Your Government Affairs Advisory Committee has vetted, and the Board of Directors has approved endorsing the following candidates in the primary election. 


The MVAR supported candidates in the Salem races all opposed the payroll tax while their opponents all supported the tax and, in most cases, fought for the tax to be implemented without sending it to the voters.


Talk to your neighbors – spread the word about these candidates.


Marion County Commissioner – Position 3:

Danielle Bethell (Incumbent, Republican)


  • History of supporting housing at all levels.


Salem Mayor:

Julie Hoy (Current Ward 6 Councilor)


  • Will address barriers to increasing housing supply.
  • Fought against the payroll tax.  Seeks to thoroughly review budget to determine if additional revenue is necessary.


Salem City Councilor – Ward 1:

Celine Coleman


  • Supports creating more housing inventory to bring costs down.  Need higher paying jobs in Salem to make purchasing a home within reach.
  • Would support a voter approved payroll tax in coming years “only if the Salem economy could reasonably afford the tax”.


Salem City Councilor – Ward 3:

Shane Matthews (REALTOR®)


  • Seeks to remove barriers to creating housing.  Supports housing availability at all levels, including attainable for workforce.
  • Not in favor of payroll tax.  Would support levy for public safety only if proven it is needed and with voter approval.


Salem City Councilor – Ward 5:

Michael Hoselton


  • Streamline processes and remove regulations that make housing more expensive to produce without increasing the safety and livability of homes.  Supports expanding the urban growth boundary.
  • Priority is balancing city budget without raising taxes, reduce inefficiencies.


Campaigns are difficult and expensive.  Help support these candidates and together we can get candidates elected who share REALTOR® values!  Visit their websites to:

  • Donate
  • Volunteer to walk & knock on doors
  • Lawn sign (they will deliver)
    • REALTORS® especially know the value of lawn signs!


AND MOST IMPORTANTLY – VOTE!  Every vote counts as we saw in the last election. 

Return your ballot by 8pm on Tuesday, May 21.

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